GreenStuff – Hints and Tips

This page is to be a collection of hints and tips for dealing with GreenStuff (or Kneaditite as it is know in different places across the world).

There is only one produced of GreenStuff in the world, and all the product we supply is fresh from them. If you’re looking to buy some please find it in our products page here.


GreenStuff is a chemical, so it’s important to understand how to store it and refresh it.
Always try to keep GreenStuff in a sealed packet and keep it away from children.
GreenStuff (specifically the yellow side) gets soft and tacky if it is too warm; if you ever have GreenStuff in this state the simplest way to refresh it is to pop it in the fridge (in its sealed packet).
It’s best to store GreenStuff in the fridge long-term to avoid it degrading (and it also helps slow the hardening that sometimes happens between the blue and yellow halves) but once it comes out of the fridge it will be hard, and resistant to maniuplation. In order to mix it most easily, and cleanly, cut a piece off after it comes out of the fridge and then warm it in your hands before attempting to mix it.


GreenStuff should be mixed with the job in mind; the “default” way to mix it is with 50% Yellow and 50% Blue. This is perfectly fine for most modelling and filling in gaps.
The Blue side, however, contributes to the “hardness” of the final product and so mixing more of this into your mix (e.g. 25% Yellow to 75% Blue) means that when it cures the GreenStuff will be more firm and easier to file.
Adding more Yellow into the mix will allow you to work for longer on fine detail and it will also keep the GreenStuff workable for longer as it will start to cure as you work it.
When mixing GreenStuff make sure that there are no lumps of material (that may have hardened based on the conditions it is being kept in) and that the two colours have mixed together thoroughly.

While mixing and working with GreenStuff remember that it is sticky and so it is a good idea to coat your hands and tools with something. This helps it from sticking to your tools as you’re trying to shape it. Common things to do this with are water, or a petroleum jelly (e.g. Vaseline).

Other putties (I’ll reference White Milliput) cure as firm as stone and if you need a really workable base for a large miniature Milliput can be mixed with GreenStuff to provide an extra strong structure.

Generally, a 50% mix gives a reliable working time of about an hour. Curing time is around five hours and it will reach maximum hardness 24 hours after being mixed.

Always wash your hands thoroughly after using GreenStuff.


There are a few tools that make sculpting with GreenStuff easier, which are mainly; a smooth flat surface, pointed tools and a small curved surface. It’s difficutl to reference which set of tools would work best for any project but in general searching for wax carving tools, baking sculpture tools and even some cheap dental tools will result in the kind of tools that will make small-scale sculpting possible.


These are links to general tutorials on working with GreenStuff:

How to use Greenstuff – The Army Painter
5 SIMPLE ways to improve greenstuff sculpting on your Warhammer miniatures – SprayBlack Studios
Learn to sculpt with Green Stuff! – The All-In Nerd
GREEN STUFF IS EASY!? | How to use Green Stuff – Burnt Aquila Painting
How to Sculpt Miniatures – Getting Started – Modern Synthesist (in multiple parts)